Encyclopaedia of Cryptozoology

Ucumar Coudray

Illustration of the ucumar by Philippe Coudray in Guide des Animaux Cachés (2009).

Category Giant hominid
Proposed scientific names
Other names Manimal, ucu, ukumar, ukumar-zupai
Country reported Argentina
First reported >1978
Prominent investigators

The ucumar or ukumar-zupai is a giant hominid reported from northern Argentina, described as a bear-like humanoid.[1][2]


The name "ucumar" is said to be derived from the animal's ululating vocalisations,[1] although in languages from further north, the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is given similar names such as jukumari, ukumari, and ukuku.

Axel Mazuer published a very comprehensive article on Ucumar (in two parts) in the French magazine "Génération cités d'or" (No. 3. https://www.generationcitesdor.com/post/gcdo-03-axel -mazuer-l-ucumar-le-y%C3%A9ti-d-am%C3%A9rique-du-sud (November 2019), and No. 4. https://www.generationcitesdor.com/post/gcdo- 04-axel-mazuer-l-ucumar-le-y%C3%A9ti-d-am%C3%Arique-du-sud-2%C3%A8me-partie (March 2020)).

An article on the sighting of a "wild man" in Argentina can be found in the Italian newspaper "La domenica del corriere" (August 1956) ( https://digiteca.bsmc.it/?l=periodici&t=Domenica%20del%20corriere%28La%29# )

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Eberhart, George M. (2002) Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, ABC-CLIO, Inc., ISBN 1576072835
  2. Coudray, Philippe (2009) Guide des Animaux Cachés, Editions du Mont, ISBN 978-2915652383