Encyclopaedia of Cryptozoology
Encyclopaedia of Cryptozoology
Category Snake
Proposed scientific names
Other names
Country reported Japan
First reported 1600s?
Prominent investigators • none in particular

The Daija(大蛇) is the Japanese word for a large snake. This is also called by another name, Orochi. [1] They have been sighted all over Japan for hundreds of years.

Daija/Orochi of Amagaike[]

On a rainy day in mid-January 1555, a man named Matazaemon was passing by a pond named Amagaike in what is now Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, when he noticed a giant snake-like creature by the pond. According to him, the serpent had a body so large in diameter that it had to be held by both arms, a deer-like head with eyes like stars, and a red tongue the size of a man's palm. The snake was looking in the direction of the pond when it noticed Matazaemon and turned around, so he scurried back. Nobunaga Oda, a warlord from the surrounding area, was intrigued by this and thought of draining all the water from the pond to capture the snake, but failed. [2]

Daija/Orochi of Mt.Tsurugi[]

There were reports of giant snakes near Mt. Tsurugi in Tokushima Prefecture until the 1970s.

Taisho Period Sightings[]

A relative of cryptid researcher Bintaro Yamaguchi's aunt also encountered a giant snake while hunting in the area during the Taisho Period (1912-1926). [3][4]

1970s Sightings[]

In May 1973, three people were mowing the grass near Mt. Tsurugi when a large snake with its head lifted up appeared from the grass. They described the size of the snake as "2.5 meters at the mouth only”. [3][4]

On May 26, the previous witness saw the same thing, along with town council members and others. It was over 10 meters long and had a neck as thick as a propane gas cylinder. [3][4]

Bintaro Yamaguchi thought that the giant snake sighted in the 1970s might have been an escaped anaconda. He also pointed out that the disappearance of sightings after a certain period of time may be due to the death of these foreign giant snakes, which could not adapt to the Japanese environment. [3][4]


  1. goo辞書“大蛇” https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E5%A4%A7%E8%9B%87_%2528%E3%81%A0%E3%81%84%E3%81%98%E3%82%83%2529/
  2. ATLAS 織田信長が退治した?!愛知県あまが池の「大蛇」伝説 https://mnsatlas.com/?p=52722
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 ATLAS 伝説の大蛇か、逃げ出したペットか「剣山のオロチ」 https://mnsatlas.com/?p=55890
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 東スポWEB 「剣山のオロチ」はどこから来てどこへ消えたのか【UMA図鑑#37】 https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/10747?page=1